People are sick of me talking about processed food, so... I'll just blog about it.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Nobody gets it.

Michael Pollan and Christian Lander agree: eating organic is a pretty solid way for the yuppie to get the warm-and-fuzzies. Once starvation is no longer imminent, people are free to care about:
  • How happy their beef patty was.
  • If their shrimp cocktail was bred to eat corn.
  • If the potassium bromate in their bread will give them cancer.
For this reason, many people have acted like my newfound clean eating is some sort of elitist streak. Like I'll come to my senses when I stop feeling so good about myself. Or, alternatively, when I seek professional help because I must have some kind of eating disorder.

"I'm avoiding processed foods."
"....But you're so skinny!"


A reaction that is slightly more on target, but still woefully-off, is that I am some kind of stiletto-wearing hippie trying to save the world one free range chicken at a time, making each market run an extension of my socialist agenda. First of all, I know too much about human psychology to think that's a viable option. Second of all, I'm liberal but I'm not super-liberal. However, I do believe that eschewing most of the trash that our current food system puts on the shelves is a political statement of sorts, and I would rather be seen as an activist than a yuppie-on-a-diet.

At the moment, of course, it seems like I'm neither. For now I'm just a new blogger who wants to see more happy cows.

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